Sunday, November 22, 2009


Lack of updates, FTL.
Keep updating tumblr over this when it should be tumblr reminding me to keep my blog updated.
Had some heavy stuff go down over this weekend...
Quite possibly no camera... :(
Still unemployed...
Wrestling season started... ehhh... so far.
Girls playing games; really starting to annoy me... questioning whether or not I should move on.
Just trying to make the most out of what I can; Making lemonade out of God's lemons that he dishes my way, good or bad... hopefully it still tastes just right.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Going to the wrong place&

Not going to the party&

Cat vommitting on backpack&

2 College Applications to finish&

Missing Assignments at the end of a marking period&

World Lit Paper&

Extended Essay&

Still no progress on this job


Bad Halloween/4 Day Weekend