Monday, December 7, 2009

WDYWT 12/7/09

WDYWT 12/7/09, originally uploaded by ShawnTheTruth.

So I had a pretty late start with school this morning despite having cleaned up a ton of stuff so that we could leave the house a lot quicker. Decided I wanted to wear my Bandaids one last time before I cleaned them using the fatjodz method of shoe cleaning. Haven't worn them much since then because they were hella dirty and I think I stepped in dog poo so they've been under my bed. Now that I remember, I have to clean up under there..Grr... Anyways, I figured out a way to replace my wrestling shoes after their tragic death on Saturday during my second match against QO and I'm managing to be able to get my wrestling shoe grails, the black/silver Adidas Beijing Adistar wrestling shoes for this year. Can't wait, but I know I'll have to work extra hours for Vance. It'll all be worth it though, been wanting them since last year, but have never had the chance to save up money for it.

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