Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shooting Stars

So last night, I went to go watch the meteor shower with one of my close friends because she didn't have anyone to go with. Little did I know that her situation the other day was as serious as she had made it to be on Facebook so I was surprised when I saw her limping. Being the nice guy I am, I let her use one of my crutches so that we could make our way to the baseball field without her looking overly pitiful. Apparently, she had gotten surgery on one of her ass checks, well right below it which I found pretty ironic because of how she used to flaunt it and now she had to go to the hospital because of it. Anyways, we finally get there after a few minutes of walking and waiting for her to catch up with all her limping. She had originally invited whoever was interested to drop by and watch the meteor shower, but no one else ended up showing so it was just the two of us. Pretty romantic, eh? Well nothing really happened, we just talked for a bit until some guys come over who were going to do hookah while they waited for the meteor shower. Getting tired of waiting about 30 or so minutes after the supposed meteor shower time, we end up chilling with the other two guys waiting. After about an hour or so, we end up hitting up McDonalds. Still a pretty fun night to get out of the house and probably the first time I stayed out that late with a friend. Anways, lesson learned: Don't wait for meteor showers on a cloudy night in the city.

Also, not having a camera is seriously pissing me off. Time to start saving up for a new one, I guess.

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